My Future Job 

Hello again! On this opportunity I want to talk to you about the kind of job I would like to have, since I am studying psychology and well… when I become a psychologist, I want to do many things.

After finishing my career, I want to obtain a diploma in Legal Psychology and specialize in Forensic Psychological Evaluation. I am interested in this area because I want to delve into the practice of expert psychological evaluation, involved in judicial processes in the context of the current Chilean justice system.

I imagine myself working at PDI as a forensic psychologist inside an office, interviewing suspected criminals, victims, or family members. I could also be participating in court.

I have many ideas of the future. I could be a forensic psychologist or a clinical psychologist… I’m interested in doing research and I might want to have my private consultation. I could do talks around the world about my research and collaborate with other researchers. in short, working in places outdoors and indoors.

I care that I have a job  which pays enough money to support my family, have my own house and be able to travel and allow me to go to different places around the world.

I love Chile, but I have also thought about living and working in another country.

That’s all.


  1. I like that you consider forensic psychology because it is not typical in Chile

  2. Hi Matías, I also like forensic psychology, it is a very interesting area.

  3. Hi Matias
    legal psychology looks very interesting, but I don't know much about it :(
    your post motivates me to investigate about it, thanks!

  4. psychologist in the PDI is my passion jaja

  5. Hi Matii! wow, Forensic psychology sounds cool, I think that is very interesing:0

  6. I hope you can meet all your goals and that you are very happy when you do.


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